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 反抗行动 添加此单词到默认生词本

  1. 今年8月,菲尼先生领导了一次对政府的反抗行动,他在议会的追随者们纷纷退出Pdl,这使得贝卢斯科尼的党派失去了在下议院占多数席位的优势。
    Last July Mr Fini led a rebellion that saw his followers in parliament detach themselves from the PdL, robbing Mr Berlusconi of his majority in the lower house.
  2. 从历史心理学的角度来看,美国革命犹如青少年的反抗行动,要求摆脱英国的家长统治和不列颠帝国的大家庭。
    The American Revolution, from a psychohistorical viewpoint, parallels an adolescent rebellion away from the parent-figure of England and the larger family of the British Empire.
  3. 暴力问题始于2005年一起汽车炸弹事件,身家数十亿的五届政府总理拉菲克•哈里里(Rafik Hariri)在事件中丧生,随后爆发的反抗行动最终结束了长期令人不满的叙利亚霸权时代。 抗争持续到2006年以黎战争打响;然后再一次爆发于一场惊心动魄、双方势均力敌的派系斗争。
    Those troubles began in 2005 with the car bomb that killed Rafik Hariri, a billionaire five-time prime minister, and sparked the uprising that ended a long, uncomfortable period of Syrian hegemony.

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