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 卤素灯 添加此单词到默认生词本
halide torch
halogen lamp

  1. 卤素系列,反光系列,金属卤素系列,真空PAR,HID疝气系列。
    Halogen lamp series, reflector lamp series, metal halide bulbs series, sealed beam PAR lamps, HID xenon lamp series.
  2. 一个虹吸壶有两个上下堆放的玻璃球容器,首先,水倒入下玻璃球容器,用卤素加热。
    A siphon pot has two stacked glass globes. First, water is placed in the bottom globe and heated with a halogen lamp.
  3. 经济安全:氙气使用寿命长达2500小时,相当于一辆汽车的寿命,是普通卤素的10倍,经济合算。
    Economy and Safety: a Xenon lamp has a service life of 2500 hours, up to a car's service life, 10 times that of a general halogen lamp, showing worthwhile value.

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