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 动物崇拜 添加此单词到默认生词本

  1. 这些功能和内涵主要表现为实用与审美装饰、原始巫术、动物崇拜和图腾崇拜等方面。
    Such functions and contexts were mainly revealed in purposes of practical usages, artistic decoration, primitive witchcrafts, animal worships, and totemic worships, etc.
  2. 作为图腾崇拜的基础,动物崇拜实际上是对祖先的一种崇拜形式,故有严格的图腾禁忌。
    As a result, the animal became the most important totem of worship. As the basis of totem worship, animal worship is, in fact, ancestral worship, which has rigorous taboos.
  3. 而图腾文化的式微、动物崇拜思想的衰落、中土儒、道、释等思想的浸染,正是促使其变迁的文化因素。
    The wane of the totem culture, the decline of the animal worship and the influence of the ideas of Ru, Dao and Shi in central China were the cultural factors that lead to the changes.

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