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 动态电弧 添加此单词到默认生词本
dynamic arc

  1. 动态电弧模型的建立以及开断过程电弧动态特性的研究。
    Modeling of dynamic electric arc and analyzing on the electric arc dynamic characteristics during the interrupting process.
  2. 从整体上对数字控制逆变焊机系统进行了仿真研究,提出用受控源的方法实现了动态电弧负载模型与系统的连接。
    A system simulation study was done for full digital welding inverter, and a method of connecting dynamic arc load model to the system with controlled source was presented.
  3. 本文在假定电弧截面温度分布的基础上,通过对电弧内部能量平衡的研究,提出了一个横向磁场中动态电弧的近似计算模型。
    Based on the assuming of the arc temperature distribution and the investigation of the energy balance in the arc, a simplified model of the dynamic arc in transverse magnetic field is proposed.

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