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  1. 新研究指差劣的驾驶可能在人出生时已注定,因手指长度与胎儿在「子宫」接触到多少荷尔蒙睪丸素有直接关系。
    New research suggests bad driving may be programmed from birth because finger length is directly associated with exposure to the hormone testosterone in the "womb".
  2. 举个例子,有关编程语言孰优 孰劣的问题经常就会演变成信仰之争,因为有太多的程序员把自己贴上X语言程序员眼或者Y语言程序员。
    For example, the question of the relative merits of programming languages often degenerates into a religious war, because so many programmers identify as X programmers or Y programmers.
  3. 城市作为一个具备自组织机能的复杂系统,其内部任何功能单元与局部空间结构的增殖或演替均会产生亦优亦劣的联动反应。
    Since the city itself is a very complex system with self-organization function, any increase or change of its internal functional units and spatial structures will produce both good and bad effects.

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