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 分度误差 添加此单词到默认生词本
error of division
index error

  1. 本文给出用对称联系法解圆分度误差时。
    In measuring circular indexing error with symmetry-relation method, the author tries to operate with a microcomputer.
  2. 对于分度台的工作分度误差与齿盘加工误差之间的关系进行了实验验证。
    The relationship between the dividing error of the divider and the machining error of the serrated tooth discs has been found by experiments.
  3. 用多面体和光电平行光管对圆刻机进行检测,用谐波析法对分度误差的来源进行析。
    The examination of the accuracy of a circular dividing engine is performed with a polygon and a photo-collimator and the sources of graduation errors are analysed by means of harmonic analysis.

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