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 凶星 [xīong xīng添加此单词到默认生词本

  1. 月亮出相位凶星,命主将在繦褓时受苦于许多疾病,并且在之后受苦于后遗症。
    If the Moon separates from an Infortune, the Native will suffer many diseases in nursing, and afflictions afterwards.
  2. 当命盘中的夺命位于黄道,且凶星落在盘中四角之一位置时,盘主为暴死之命。
    When the Abscissor, cutter of life, or killing Planet is on the Ecliptic, and an Infortune in an Angle, the Native will die a violent death.
  3. 笔者还被问到一些问题,比如说在印度,出生在凶星的女孩为了避邪而先和三棵树结婚是否普遍。
    Some of the questions this writer has been asked is whether it is common in India for girls born with ominous astrological influence to marry a tree first.

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