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 农牧结合 [nóng mù jié hé添加此单词到默认生词本
coordination of farming and animal husbandry

  1. 农牧结合生态工程是一个复杂的农业生态、经济和技术系统工程。
    An agriculture and animal husbandry combined engineering is a complex system consisting of ecological, economic and technical aspects.
  2. 藏族、羌族和彝族,都是高原上的古老民族,其舞蹈具有明显的农牧结合的文化色彩。
    The Tibetan, Qiang and Yi ethnic groups are ancient tribes on the plateau, whose dance combines perfectly the farming and herding cultures.
  3. 本文以我区农牧民人均纯收入为研究对象,采用定性分析、定量分析和实证分析相结合的方法进行研究。
    This paper the farmers and herdsmen per capita net income in my region for the study, using qualitative analysis, quantitative analysis and empirical analysis and combining methods to research.

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