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  1. “军队涌入”伊拉克的目的在于重建秩序——而且通过重建秩序,能够为中东的民主推广工程再注入一丝活力。
    The aim of the “surge” is to restore order in Iraq—and, by restoring order, reinject a little life into the project of democratising the Middle East.
  2. 我们也想知道,卵子是否可以无需精子的受精作用,或不必去核再注入其他细胞核,就可以直接分裂成早期胚胎。
    WE ALSO SOUGHT TO DETERMINE whether we could induce human eggs to divide into early embryos without being fertilized by a sperm or being enucleated and injected with a donor cell.
  3. 刻意宽松的垮版剪裁感,辅加单边的吊带设计就是要让你穿出小男孩般地可爱气息,再注入超亮丽的饱和色调瞩目程度百分百。
    Break down loosely painstakingly edition clipping feeling, complementary the condole area that adds unilateral is designed even if should let you wear a ground like little boy lovely breath, note unfavorable balance of trade to shine again beautiful saturated and tonal fix eyes upon degree hundred.

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