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 公开法庭 添加此单词到默认生词本
open court

  1. 所有民事纠纷都将在萨瓦每月一次举行的公开法庭上解决。
    All civil disputes are settled by the Sava who holds an open court once a month.
  2. 法庭已经要求各方在截至日2月12日之前就“是否公开法庭的原稿”表明态度。
    The court has set a deadline of February 12th for other parties to express their views on whether the original draft should prevail.
  3. 由七位男士和五位女士共同做出的决定将在公开法庭宣读并向全世界电视直播。
    The decision of the seven men and five women will be read in open court and televised around the world.

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