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 克瓦斯 [kè wǎ sī添加此单词到默认生词本

  1. 这次是前锋亚当克瓦斯,他在本赛季刚刚结束的澳超总决赛中遗憾的输掉了比赛。
    This time it's striker Adam Kwasnik, who raised his game another notch this season with the beaten A-League grand finalists.
  2. 苏联人或许对于饮料可以有他们自己的选择,比如苏打水和克瓦斯啤酒。 但是他们几乎用不上纸杯,更别说塑料杯子了。
    The thirsty Soviet may have had his choice of beverages -- soda water from a machine, kvass from a barrel -- but rarely, if ever, did these things come with a paper cup, let alone a plastic one.
  3. 据传他爱吃农家食物,诸如卷心菜汤,稀粥,腌黄瓜拌肉,芝士火腿和克瓦斯,这种酒由发酵的黑面包做成,我曾经尝过
    Legend has him eating peasant food--cabbage soup, cabbage soup, porridge, meat with pickled cucumbers, ham and cheese, and kvass, which is a drink that I've actually tasted from fermented black bread.

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