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 先天性畸形 添加此单词到默认生词本
congenital deformity
congenital abnormality
[外科] congenital malformation

  1. 你也许会以为它是一种蔬菜,但其实它是一种能够降低人体胆固醇的水果,而且它富含叶酸,能预防一些常见的先天性畸形病。
    You might think of it as a vegetable, but this is actually a fruit. And not just any fruit, but a fruit that has been shown to lower cholesterol.
  2. 尽管胸腰结合段异常后突在婴儿是罕见的,病因可以是先天性畸形和骨发育不良。
    Although abnormal kyphosis at the thoracolumbar junction in infants is rare, it can result from congenital anomalies and bone dysplasias.
  3. 泌尿系先天性畸形如尿道下裂、隐睾、肾盂输尿管连接部狭窄所导致的肾积水等等。
    The uropoiesis is congenitalness abnormal like hypospadiases, the cryptorchism, the renal pelvis ureter connection department narrow causes kidney water which and so on.

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