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 元素矿物 添加此单词到默认生词本
element mineral

  1. 矿石矿物主要由金属硫化物矿物及稀有、贵金属元素矿物组成。
    The ore and mineral are made up of metal and sulphide mineral and scarce , expensive metallic element mineral.
  2. 新疆阿尔泰地区某些花岗伟晶岩含有金绿宝石,它是一种罕见的稀有元素矿物,而且具有极高的经济价值。
    Chrysoberyl in some granite pegmatite is a rare mineral that seldom seen in Altatic area, and it is a valuable precious stone.
  3. 地质年代通常是通过矿物中发现的各种放射性元素的衰变率来获得的。
    Geological dates are usually obtained by using the rates of decay of various radioactive elements found in minerals.

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