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 使用时期 [shǐ yòng shí qī添加此单词到默认生词本
use age

  1. 经济方面已经进入到农业、手工业较发达,铁器普遍使用时期
    It is relatively developed that economy has already entered agriculture, handicraft industry, the period that ironwares generally use.
  2. 但是这个标记的历史,波斯人之前或波斯人使用时期,都有一个持续的意义,就是神对一位国王的喜爱。
    but the history of the symbol , both before and during its persian use , has a continuous meaning , and that is one of divine favor for a king.
  3. ZED产品Z应被加入到每一个新发展过程的各个步骤当中,从计划到设计营销,到出售,到使用时期直至最后。
    ZEDproduct Z must be integrated into every of a new development from planning and design to marketing, sales, the occupation period and beyond.

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