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  1. 除具有抗凝作用外,蛋白C通路还可增加纤溶——即溶解血凝块。
    In addition to serving as a potent anticoagulant mechanism, the protein C pathway is also capable of augmenting fibrinolysis -- the ability to lyse clots.
  2. 监狱探访义工对于监狱院牧的牧民工作起了很大的作用。本内有两住前囚犯为大家现身说法。
    Prison ministry volunteers play an important role in helping the prison chaplain minister to inmates. Two ex-inmates share with us their experience with the prison volunteers.
  3. 由于其对油墨粒子有突出的捕作用,因此哪怕是对于难于脱墨的废纸,本产品也显现出了它的优越性。
    With its outstanding collecting performances on ink particles, this product has superior efficiency even for old paper that is difficult to be deinked.

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