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 传输阻抗 添加此单词到默认生词本
transfer impedance

  1. 介绍了电流探头传输阻抗的校准原理,并对测量不确定度进行了详细的分析评定。
    The principle for calibrating the current probe is introduced in this paper. And the analysis and evaluation of the uncertainty have been done in detail.
  2. 本发明克服了现有光阳极电子传输阻抗测试需要大型测试仪器和严格实验环境的弊端。
    The invention overcomes the defects that the existing photoanode electron transmission resistance test requires large-scale test instruments and strict experiment environment.
  3. 镀金:改善导电接触阻抗,增进信号传输
    Gold-plated: improve conductive contact impedance improve signal transmission.

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