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 仿古加工 添加此单词到默认生词本
antique finish

  1. 包括仿古船的船胚和相框等产品的加工和制作!
    Antique vessels, including vessels embryo and picture frames and other products processing and production.
  2. 将竹身纯手工加工后透光做成的灯罩和仿古底座组成,富于文化韵味,格调高雅。
    Bamboo body pure manual processing will be made after the chimney and light, abound of archaize base cultural charm, elegant style.
  3. 并且加工生产出的艺术花盆仿古效果佳、不褪色、耐用性好、立体效果强。
    The produced artistic flowerpot has the advantages of excellent antique effect, fastness, good durability and strong stereoscopic effect.

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