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 价格合同 [jià gé hé tong添加此单词到默认生词本
price contract

  1. 可口可乐的案例反映的正是这种情况:早在引入售货机之前很久,该公司就在通胀非常低的时候签署了长期的固定价格合同,向罐装商供应可乐。
    Coca-Cola's experience reflected exactly that: long before the introduction of vending machines, they had signed a perpetual fixed-price contract to supply their bottlers, at a time of very low inflation.
  2. 机制设计被越来越多地用于各种场合,包括设计无线电频段拍卖机制、以及为防务合同设计更加合理的支付机制以克服成本加成合同(会产生导消极怠工的激励)或固定价格合同(会导致给价过高)的弊端。
    It was increasingly put to work on tasks ranging from how to auction a radio spectrum to devising a better way of paying defence contractors than cost-plus contracts (which create incentives for the contractor to be inefficient) or fixed-price contracts (which may result in overpaying).
  3. 那些以80点或8美元的价格购买合同的人只能盈利2美元。
    People who bought contracts at eighty points, or eight dollars, received two dollars in profit.

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