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 产品说明书 添加此单词到默认生词本
product specification
product manual
product descritption
product catalog

  1. 产品说明书的主要内容和语言特点。
    The main contents and language features of product descriptions.
  2. 企业承接:彩印产品说明书、商标广告、画精装书版、联单、信笺、纸盒、不干胶、档案袋等。
    The business enterprise accepts:color-print the product manual, trademark advertises, the painting pack book version, duplicate, letter paper , paper box, non-fuck gum, file bag etc.
  3. 如果应用与他们的产品或者甚至与他们的产品说明书存在竞争,他们就会拒绝和禁止应用的推出。
    They will reject and ban it if it competes with another of their products, or even with possible product directions.

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