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 二氧化铅 添加此单词到默认生词本
[无化] lead dioxide
brown lead oxide
lead peroxide

  1. 但是, 二氧化铅电负性的增加不但全部抵消了这个趋势还有剩余。
    But this tendency is more than counterbalanced by an increase in the electronegativity of lead dioxide.
  2. 如果把一根导电金属丝放在金属铅和二氧化铅之间,铅释放的电子会经金属丝传递到二氧化铅,这个过程会产生电流。
    If a conductive wire is run between the two, electrons released by the lead will run through it towards the lead dioxide, generating an electrical current as they do so.
  3. 传统的铅酸电池是由一系列的小电池组成, 每个小电池都有一个由二氧化铅构成的正极和一个由金属铅构成的负极.
    A conventional lead-acid battery is made up of a series of cells, each of which contains a positive electrode made of lead dioxide and a negative electrode of metallic lead.

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