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 专业证书 [zhuān yè zhèng shū添加此单词到默认生词本
professional certificate

  1. 许多工程师被要求获得专业证书是为了在他们的领域实践,那么软件工程师又是为了什么呢?
    Many engineers are required to obtain professional certification in order to practice in their field. What about software engineers?
  2. 同样,有网络和无线安全技能的人群以及那些具有认证信息系统安全专业证书的也备受青睐。
    There's also strong interest in people with network and wireless security skills, as well as those with Certified Information Systems Security Professional accreditation.
  3. 现如今,像医疗,教育,技术通讯,职业辅导等行业也越来越重视通过专业培训所获得的专业证书
    Now, industries such as health care, education, technical communications, and career counseling are increasingly relying on certified professionals with specialized training.

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