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 不可言状 [bù kě yán zhuàng添加此单词到默认生词本

  1. 对于某人的最美妙的、最不可言状的、最透彻肺腑的愉悦的感觉。
    The most spectacular,indescribable, deep euphoric feeling for someone.
  2. 促使一个人设计和创作的不可言状的冲动,是一种伴随着复杂刺激物的无意识过程,我们对该过程的认识,只是停留在非常浅的层次上。
    Push a person design and creation is not doggerel impulse, is a kind of with complex irritants unconscious process, we the process of understanding, only stay in very shallow level.
  3. 目前,还有种不可言状的恐惧,例如中国对南海等有争议的领土采取坚决主张的态度。
    Now, though it is a fear that dares not speak its name, it means China, and the assertive posture it has adopted in recent years towards disputed territorial claims, such as in the South China Sea.

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