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 下方值 添加此单词到默认生词本
lower value

  1. 同样,region的为BOTTOM,这将把应用程序放在联系人列表下方
    Also, region is selected as BOTTOM to place your application below the Contacts list.
  2. 在猜测列中填入上述数字,根据条目的可并行性或偶发性进行调整,得到最终的测试填入表格的最下方;并且。
    Add the Numbers in the guess column and adjust for items that can occur in parallel or a little contingency and enter the number at the bottom of the table in the square provided; and.
  3. 这个式子的对应于三维空间中,函数图像下方,所有小柱体的体积之和。
    So, what that corresponds to in the three-dimensional picture is just I sum the volumes of all of these little columns that sit under the graph.

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