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 三人沙发 [sān rén shā fā添加此单词到默认生词本

  1. 巴洛克式沙发,每套有两个单人和一个三人沙发。手工雕刻的框架,软包舒适宜人。
    Barroque style suite-one three seater sofa ,and two single seater sofas. All of them are fine hand-carved top, and comfortable upholstered.
  2. 起居室整体上的柔和色彩营造出清新的味道,并让两个深红色三人沙发成为吸引目光的重点。
    The subdued color on living room whole builds a pure and fresh smell, make two cardinal 3 people sofa makes the focal point that draws a look.
  3. 假如希望客厅不要看起来过满,可以只买一个两人座或一人座、三人座的美式沙发,然后可以再搭配两张中式圈椅或一张躺椅,这样看起来既灵活,用起来也同样方便。
    If hope the sitting room does not look too full, can buy a two people only or one person, 3 people beautiful type sofa, can match again next round-backed armchair of two pieces of Chinese style or a piece of deck chair, such looking already agile, use go to the lavatory as much.

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