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 速度较慢的 添加此单词到默认生词本

  1. 这种优化对于连接速度较慢的移动设备尤为重要。
    Again, this kind of optimization is especially important on mobile devices where the connection speed can be slow.
  2. 所以,谈到这一领域的发展速度,它会使得大型的反应速度较慢的公司更加难以,在市场中做出反应与变化。
    So, the speed of development of universe is going to make it more difficult for a larger, slower company to be able to react and change in the market.
  3. 在增长速度较慢的国家(那里有超过三分之一的非洲人口),世行最有效的作用往往是帮助建立核心的政府功能和调动捐助机构的援助,该报告说。
    In slow-growing countries, where more than a third of Africans live, the Bank’s most effective role is often helping to develop core government functions and mobilize donor support, the report says.

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