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 速度剖面 添加此单词到默认生词本
velocity profile

  1. 所有的颗粒都降低了射流速度半宽,但对流向平均速度剖面的影响比较复杂。
    All particles reduce the jet velocity half-width, but the effects on the streamwise mean velocity profiles are complicated.
  2. 利用速度剖面公式计算的垂线平均流速场与实测值符合较好。
    The dimensionless velocity-profile formula fits not only the depth average velocity profile but also velocity profile of each layer along depth.
  3. 结果显示,颗粒的流向平均速度剖面呈高斯分布,而横向平均速度剖面则呈正弦分布。
    The results show that the streamwise mean velocity profile of particles takes on a Gauss distribution, and the lateral mean velocity profiles assumes a Sine distribution.

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