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 速度分析 [sù dù fēn xī添加此单词到默认生词本
[力] velocity analysis

  1. 因此,本文提出了三参数速度分析及其谱的解释方法。
    Hence, we put forward three parameter velocity analysis and its spectrum interpretation.
  2. 尽管速度分析工具已经存在好几年了,但此款线网页测速有个不同的地方;它同时能分析手机网页的表现。
    While speed analysis tools have been around for years, Page Speed Online has a neat little trick; it can also analyze mobile websites for their performance.
  3. 由于动校正速度是随偏移距变化而变化的,而常规速度分析并没有考虑这一因素,动校正效果往往不是很理想,从而影响资料的叠加和成像效果。
    The conventional velocity analysis does not consider the influence of the NMO velocity varying with offset, making the results not ideal, leading to a poor stacking and migration imaging.

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