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 速度信息 [sù dù xìn xī添加此单词到默认生词本
[自] velocity information

  1. 现在每天TomTom都会接受到为数五千万的各种车辆速度信息,并逐渐形成了他们的数据库。
    Half-a-billion different speed measurements are now received by TomTom every day to help build its database.
  2. 由预处理获得的速度信息被用来提高脉冲压缩质量和距离跟踪。
    The velocity information obtained by Doppler preprocessing is used for better pulse compression and range tracking.
  3. 法航447航班失事前一刻发出的自动维护信息显示,这架飞机的飞行电脑接获了错误的速度信息
    Automated maintenance messages transmitted by the plane moments before it disappeared indicated that the jetliner's flight computers received faulty speed data.

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