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 速冻产品 [sù dòng chǎn pǐn添加此单词到默认生词本
[食品] quick frozen product

  1. 并在果蔬制品、肉制品、乳制品、蛋类食品、速冻产品等加工中得到广泛的应用。
    Fruits and vegetables, meat, eggs and so on were widely duplicated in process.
  2. 公司拥有先进的速冻产品生产线及黑莓深加工系列产品生产线,出口量每年成倍增长,效益显著。
    The company has advanced production lines and blackberry quick-frozen products series products deep processing production line, annual export volume doubled, benefit is distinct.
  3. 本公司在云南各地特设有多个野生食用菌收购点,鲜货、干货、速冻产品可供,定能满足广大客户的需求。
    Throughout the Company in Yunnan has a number of ad hoc acquisition of wild edible fungi, the fresh produce, dry goods, frozen products are available, will be able to meet our customer needs.

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