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 逝水年华 [shì shuǐ nián huá添加此单词到默认生词本
Time passes like flowing water.
The light and moonlight follow each other like flowing water.

  1. 关于这一点,只要问一问马塞尔 普鲁斯特(《追忆逝水年华》作者)就好了。
    Just ask Marcel Proust.
  2. 当《追忆逝水年华》第一部开始的时候,普鲁斯特已忘记所有童年吃过的甜糕点。
    When Swann's Way begins, Proust has forgotten all about the sugary pastries of his childhood.
  3. 盖茨在五月来到乔布斯家中,三个多小时里,两位电子巨头一起追忆逝水年华
    He came to Mr. Jobs’s house in Palo Alto, Calif., in May, and they spent more than three hours together, reminiscing, Mr. Isaacson writes.

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