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 通风要求 添加此单词到默认生词本
[建] air-conditioning requirement

  1. 它取决于运输或提升设备或其它设备的尺寸,还要根据通风要求对巷道断面尺寸加以修改。
    It is dependent on haulage or hoisting equipment or other devices used, and it is modified according to the ventilation requirement.
  2. 整个建筑是一个复合百叶组成的多层表皮系统,这些百叶可旋转和变厚以适应不同的日照强度、通风要求和材料性能。
    The building is a system of multiple layers of composite louvers which thicken and rotate according to solar exposure, ventilation, and materials performance.
  3. 分析现行规范规定的数据,用临界风速公式进行计算得出区间隧道风速不满足通风要求
    This paper indicates that tunnel airflow velocity defined in the existing code for the design of metro doesn't satisfy the requirement of tunnel ventilation in case of fires.

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