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 通风管路 添加此单词到默认生词本
[建][化工] vent line

  1. 产品主要应用于采暖通风,工业管路和其他工业应用领域。
    It mainly is used for conditioning, industrial pipes and other applications.
  2. 特点是:不用另设风机和通风管路、不增加排烟阻力,投资少、施工方便。
    The main features are:no additional fans and ducting needed, pressure loss not increased, low in- vestment and easy erection.
  3. 本文针对现有通风管路漏风理论存在的问题,提出了通风管路漏风新的评价指标;
    Regarding the problems existed in present theory of air leakage of ventilation pipe, this paper puts forward a new index to evaluate the air leakage of the pipe line.

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