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 通风机效率 [tōng fēng jī xiào lǜ添加此单词到默认生词本
[机] fan efficiency

  1. 由此可减少气流阻力和涡流、提高通风机效率、降低噪声。
    The improvement may decrease resistance of air flow and vortex, increase efficiency of the ventilator and reduce noise.
  2. 探讨了通风机效率测算过程中的构造误差、原理误差和动态误差的来源及影响程度;
    The sources and affecting degree of errors in construction, principle and dynamics during the measurement and calculation of fan efficiency was studied.
  3. 介绍了气隙转矩法的工作原理,给出了通风机效率现场测试系统的硬件组成,并阐述了效率测试过程。
    Has introduced the principle of the air-gap torque method, give the hardware of the ventilator efficiency testing system and illustrated the efficiency testing process.

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