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 通风处理 添加此单词到默认生词本
fanning treatment

  1. 有些特定的工作环境,在不能够确定空气状态参数的情况下,不允许对其进行通风处理
    Ventilation processing can not be done with some particular work environment before determining the parameters of air state.
  2. 笔者总结并比较了几种煤矿通风瓦斯处理和利用技术,并对其应用前景进行了展望。
    This article summarizes and compares different technologies to treatment and utilize the VAM. Economic and environmental prospects of the technologies is described.
  3. 长话短说,下列信息是说,凡是能测出有残留甲醛成分的货柜,都要放置一边进行11天到31 天的通风处理
    Briefly the message below says that any container that contains trace elements of formaldehyde will be pulled aside and ventilated for a period of time ranging from 11 days to 31 days.

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