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 通风塔 添加此单词到默认生词本
[建] ventilating tower

  1. 自然通风空冷的冷却性能受侧风的影响很大。
    The impact of side wind on the cooling performance of natural draft air cooling tower is rather great.
  2. 天窗中世纪建筑屋顶上的灯笼状的小,用来通风,冒烟。
    A lantern-shaped cupola on the roof of a medieval building for admitting air and providing for the escape of smoke.
  3. 结果表明,定量分析所获得的各类指标值反映了大柳煤矿通风网络可靠性评价实际。
    The results show that the quantitative analysis indexes reflect the practical situation of the ventilation network system in Daliuta coal mine.

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