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 通项 [tōng xiàng添加此单词到默认生词本
[数] general term

  1. 文章借助矩阵理论解决了一般二阶线性递推数列通项公式的求法问题。
    In this paper we give a way by which find general term formula of second order linear recurrence sequence by means of matrix theory.
  2. 本文提出了一个求解弹塑性激波衰减规律的级数解法,给出了各未知量级数展式的通项表达式。
    A series solution for the attenuation of an elastic-plastic shock wave and expressions for the general terms of the series are given in this paper.
  3. 对于数列通项含有变限积分的极限问题,以定理形式总结概括出几类数列极限存在的充分条件,并附以实例。
    The author summarizes some sufficient conditions of existence of some kinds of variable-ranged integral by the theorem form and gives some actual examples.

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