研发工程师 R&D Engineer
- 自BKELL公司成立以来,研发工程师一直在不懈地努力,致力于汽车音响系统的研发。
Since BKELL was established, we have been untiringly pursuing the studies of car audio-system. We do our best. - 这两位顾问是:美国营养协会发言人以及克利夫兰诊所基金会的研发工程师:辛蒂.摩尔;和食品技术机构的发言人以及康奈尔大学的研发工程师:克里斯汀那.斯达克。
Our consultants: American Dietetic Association spokeswoman Cindy Moore, R.D., of the Cleveland Foundation; and Institute of Food Technologists spokeswoman Christina Stark, R.D., of Cornell University. - 协同研发工程师准确理解产品要求的特性, 应用和性能;
Working with design team to fully understand the required product features, application and performance criteria.