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 砌筑砂浆 添加此单词到默认生词本
masonry mortar

  1. 负责和参加了"预应力加固技术"、"多层工业厂房抗油渗复合楼地面技术"、"喷射混凝土加固技术"、"碳纤维加固技术"、"外墙渗漏诊治技术"、"节能建筑检测鉴定技术"、"砌体结构砌筑砂浆实际强度检测鉴定技术"等多项科研成果,并得到推广应用和获得科技进步奖。
    Responsible for or taking part in the research projects which have been spread and received scientific and technological progress rewards, such as "Prestressed Strengthening Technology", "Oilproof of the Composite Flooring for Multistoried Industrial Building", "the Strengthening Technology with Shotcrete", "the Strengthening Technology with Carbon Fiber Material ", "the Diagnosis and Treatment for leakage of Exterior Wall", "the Testing and identifying Technology of Energysaving Building", "the Testing Technology of the Actual Strength of the Bonding Mortar in Masonry Structure".

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