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 砌块路面 添加此单词到默认生词本
block pavement

  1. 各种外墙砌块、内墙砌块、花墙砌块、地面砖、护坡块、还可生产联锁路面砌块和路边石等砌块
    Making all kind of blocks such as hollow block, curbstone , interlock block, grass block, slope block.
  2. 专业生产混凝土多孔砖,标准砖以及各种路面砌块砖等。
    It specializes in producing concrete multi-hole bricks, standard bricks and various ground block bricks etc.
  3. 在沥青路面典型结构的基础上,按照修正的沥青路面设计方法,采用等效厚度换算给出了砌块路面典型结构。
    Based on the asphalt pavement typical structure, it adopts equivalent thickness conversion to give the block pavement typical structure according to the reviser asphalt pavement design method.

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