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 砌块墙体 添加此单词到默认生词本
[建] blockwork

  1. 完成了一片设置构造柱的混凝土砌块墙体的局压承载力试验。
    Experiment study on the local bearing of one specimen of concrete block wall with construction columns is conducted.
  2. 据此给出了符合程度较高的浮石混凝土砌块墙体抗剪强度计算公式;
    According to the model, a comparatively accurate formula of shear strength in plain pumice concrete block wall is given.
  3. 分析了加气混凝土砌块墙体裂缝形成原因,提出了解决墙体裂缝的各种技术措施,列举了框架结构非承重墙体防裂做法的工程实例。
    This paper present the causes for the cracks of concrete block wall, resolutions for such cracks and anti-crack wall construction practices for framed non-load-bearing partition walls.

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