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 砂金矿 [shā jīn kuàng添加此单词到默认生词本
[矿业] gravel mine
[矿业] placer mine
[矿业] gravelmine

  1. 新疆阿尔泰的金矿资源类型有:岩金矿、伴生金矿砂金矿
    There are three types of gold deposit resource: rock gold, associated gold ore and gold placer, in Altay, Xinjiang.
  2. 诚然,本区砂金矿金的迁移和沉淀富集作用机理不是单一的,也许有多种因素导致金的富集。
    Of course, this mechanism is not unitary for this area. The concentration of gold may be caused due to a variety of factors.
  3. 作者在探讨探地雷达理论的基础上,将之应用于岩金矿砂金矿勘查方面,取得了很好的效果。
    On the basis of theoretical study, the authors of this paper applied it to the prospecting of rock gold and alluvial gold , achieving much better result.

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