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 砂磨机 [shā mó jī添加此单词到默认生词本
[机] sand mill

  1. 目前拥有二十多台新型三辊、八台砂磨机、六套化油设备。
    Taiwan currently has more than 20 new three-roll machine, eight sanding machine, six sets of oil equipment.
  2. 因此,要达到预想的粒径指标、稳定的分散体系,就必须充分利用砂磨机和化学物质。
    Therefore, optimum utilization of both bead milling and chemical technologies is necessary to most efficiently achieve stable dispersions with the target particle size characteristics.
  3. 产品适合国产、进口的砂磨机和球磨机对各种浆料作经济、高效和纯净的分散和研
    Products suitable for domestic, import the sanding machine and the ball mill for various slurry for economic, efficient and pure dispersion and grinding;

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