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 砂砾岩 [shā lì yán添加此单词到默认生词本
sandy conglomerate

  1. 苏德尔特油田兴安岭群储层是一套以凝灰质砂砾岩、沉凝灰质岩为主的火山碎屑岩。
    The formation of Xing Anling groups in Suderte oil field is volcano chipping rock which is mainly contained of tuff layer and deep tuff layer.
  2. 克下组储层发育一套砂砾岩沉积,其测井资料中有部分井无声波测井曲线,而只有电阻率测井曲线。
    There is a series of glutenite sediment developed in Kexia formation. To some wells, there is no acoustic log curve, but only resistivity log curve.
  3. 层序IV,为上新统海陆过渡相的灰白、浅灰色砂砾岩、粉岩、泥岩,往冲绳海槽方向增厚,变为海相。
    Sequence IV is Pliocene sea-onshore transition grayer, grayish gritstone, siltstone and mudstone and becomes thicker sea facies toward trough.

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