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 滞滞泥泥 [zhì zhì ní ní添加此单词到默认生词本
sticky in doing things

  1. 常见有插秧机在第2年作业时,因操纵拉筋套进水进而生锈卡,影响正常操作。
    Transplanter common are the first 2 years in operation due to manipulation of sets of water into the soil reinforcement and rust card lag affect the normal operation.
  2. 结果显示,粗糙高度及砂临界剪力速度对三角洲地形的影响较涡动黏系数对地形的影响来的显著。
    Results show that the rough height and the critical shear velocity have more significant influence than the eddy viscosity to the simulated topography.

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