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 滞报金 [zhì bào jīn添加此单词到默认生词本
fee for delayed declaration
DDF(Delayed Declaration Fee)

  1. 海关收取滞报金后,应当向收货人出具财政部统一印(监)制的票据。
    After collecting the surcharges for delayed declaration, the customs shall issue a voucher as uniformly printed (and supervised) by the Ministry of Finance to the consignee.
  2. 进口货物的收货人超过前款规定期限向海关申的,由海关征收滞报金
    where the consignee of import goods fails to declare with the customs within the time limit mentioned above, a fee for delayed declaration shall be charged by the customs.
  3. 答:滞报金是由于进口货物收货人或其代理人超过法定期限向海关关而产生的一种费用,不是罚款。
    Answer: Because import content consignee or its agent exceed a kind of cost that legal time limit declares at customs to custom and produces, sluggish newspaper gold is, not be amerce.

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