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 滞后阻尼 添加此单词到默认生词本
hysteresis damping

  1. 采用滞后阻尼假定,分别应用时域和频域分析方法对土层的地震反应进行计算。
    Based on the assumption of hysteretic damping, seismic response of soil layer was analyzed by using the methods of time domain and frequency domain separately.
  2. 转子叶片方面,根据权利要求1,其中个别弹性阻尼器的安排,以提供一个阻尼效应在带头滞后弯曲方向的支持束。
    Rotor blade connection according to claim 1 wherein individual elastomer dampers are arranged to provide a damping effect in a lead-lag bending direction of the support beam.
  3. 基于磁流变减振器的汽车悬架系统具有明显的滞后非线性,系统中的非线性阻尼和非线性刚度等对其动力学行为产生了很大的影响。
    The automotive suspension system based on magnetic-rheology absorber has obvious lag non-linear, the non-linear damp and non-linear rigidity etc in the system have great effect on dynamics.

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