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 滞后流 [zhì hòu liú添加此单词到默认生词本
after flow

  1. 其中补偿模式采用了针对滞后流按照其预约速率的固定比例进行补偿的方式。
    The compensation that the lagging flow can get is proportion to the lagging flow’s original transport speed.
  2. 无论是干季还是湿季,树干液滞后于光合有效辐射,提前于水汽压亏缺;
    Sap flux density (Js) was more dependent onPAR than on VPD, and the dependence was more significant in dry season than in wet season.
  3. 滞后时间与土的固结程度有关,笔者采用一维固结理论提出了计算越滞后时间的方法。
    We have put forward a method of calculating the hysteretic time of leaking by adopting one-dimensional concretion theory.

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