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 滞后损耗 [zhì hòu sǔn hào添加此单词到默认生词本
hysteresis loss

  1. 连接装置的净影响造成损耗和响应滞后
    The net effect of the connecting system is to introduce losses and lags in response.
  2. 但是滞后臂由于较难实现软开关,不能并联较大的电容,因此,滞后臂关断损耗较大。
    But the turn-off losses of the lagging leg's IGBTs can not be reduced by this means because lagging leg is hard to achieve ZVS, thus the IGBTs' turn-off losses of lagging leg are remarkable.
  3. 对于轮胎来说,如何获得抓地力,或者说如何获得它与赛道之间的摩擦力,可以从2个方面来衡量——轮胎变形后的附着力与滞后损耗
    On the tyre side, how a tyre derives its grip, or its friction with the circuit, can be characterised in two main ways - adhesion and hysteresis loss by deformation.

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