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 滞后型方程 [zhì hòu xíng fāng chéng添加此单词到默认生词本
lagging-type equations

  1. 摘要利用单调迭代方法给出了中立型滞后微分方程的周期边值问题极解的存在性定理。
    The monotone iterative techniques is used to investigate the existence of extremal solution of periodic boundary value problems (PBVP) for neutral delay differential equation.
  2. 文摘:讨论带跳跃的滞后型的随机微分方程的稳定性问题,得到了滞后型的随机微分方程在均方意义和几乎必然意义下指数稳定的充分条件.
    Abstract: The stability of jump-type stochastic differential equations with time delay is discussed.For such equations,some sufficient conditions of exponential stability under mean-square and almost certain cases are obtained.
  3. 文摘:研究了一类既有超前量又有滞后量的一阶中立泛函微分方程的振动性,给出了其解振动的几个充分性条件.所得结论推广和改进了现有文献的部分结果.
    Abstract: In this paper,the oscillation for the first order neutral functional differential equations with delay and advanced argument is studied,some sufficient conditions are obtained,and some results of literature are extended and improved.

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