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 服务概率 添加此单词到默认生词本
service probability

  1. 在此基础上,给出一种改进的某武器服务概率评估方法。
    Based on the above, an improved technology of service probability is given.
  2. 用模拟法计算防空武器系统对高速目标的服务概率时,为体现目标速度对系统服务概率的影响,应当把目标流看成是距离轴上的泊松流。
    When calculating service probability of anti-aircraft to high velocity targets by method of Monte Carlo, targets should been regarded as Poisson Stream on axis of distance.
  3. 利用排队论全概率事件理论相结合的方法,分析了弹炮可能的组合方式下的防空体系服务概率
    By means of the combination of queue theory and all probability event theory, the paper analyzes the service probability of air defense system in differentgun and missile combination mode.

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